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5 Questions for Decision Makers
Avoid decision anxiety by answering these questions.
Leaders as Coaches
5 fundamentals for bringing out the best in your people
How to Make Your Case
Turn a vision of tomorrow into a plan others can see for themselves and join.
Leadership Tip of the Week
A Great Children's Ministry Leadership Failure
Is there a way to serve the church without missing the church service?
Yes, Jesus Loves Me!
What are we doing? That's the question we challenged ourselves to answer.
Winter Falls and Dreams
Something happens to me on the hill—the nearby sledding hill. I know that I shouldn't do it but the longer I stand there the more I feel a compelling urge to strap on the snowboard.
Every Second Counts
Our country has an attendance problem.
Direction Along the Way
Sitting around waiting to discover God's will can paralyze your ministry
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